add usb bt to ibm t23 (2.)

takze druhy a posledni dil s podtitulem „neuveritelne se stalo skutecnosti“ je tu. vcera sem se do toho pustil a vse se povedlo na prvni pokus. sem genius!

so i have again some time to continue. i am looking for some solution how catch lighting of ScrollLock LED, and idea was use the photocoupler. TLP598A. i bought it and try to connect. next steps just in pics, but one picture is more than thousand words, and in fine my english is horrible as you see 😀

first part: add usb bt to ibm t23 (1.)

temporary workplace

this is my temporary workplace 🙂

ibm bt testing

test if bluetooth work with disconnecting plus 5V, and next if it work with photocoupler TLP598A. it seems to work!

ibm bt pinout

my notice about bluetooth pinout

ibm bt covered

bluetooth is now covered by heatshrink tube, both data signal and both power wires are twisted together for some noise immunity. does it help? who knows 🙂

ibm bt place

this is imho best place for bluetooth, here others put wifi antenna in their mods.

ibm bt blue led

i change original green ScrollLock LED by nice Blue LED. i’m supprised that it works with original 1kOhm resistor.

ibm bt wiring

the bluetooth is now placed and data wires are soldered at docking connector, power wires are in the meantime unconnected, i’m looking for some points.

ibm bt wiring 2

one pin from photocoupler is soldered on some SMD element. ind i found that Vcc is also on one side of the big green circuit element (below the photocoupler) so i use it.

ibm bt wiring 3

now is all connected and placed. in red-thing ( 🙂 ) is resistor for photocoupler LED which is connected paralel with blue LED.

ibm bt wiring 4

definitelly done. will it work? who know.

ibm bt wiring 5

detail about connection of second leg of resistor. the connector behind this cable with LEDs is so cramped!

ibm bt final

the final view, bluetooth is now on, so blue LED lighting! i did it! 🙂 now stick on black screwcovers and it is completely finished.

related and useful links:

EDIT: i relocated BT module in new place, now i think the signal is eve better. new place is under left wrist, between you and harddrive, there is small plastic piece, and some space for RFID antenna, or somethink like that. this place is so unshielded.


Roman Mikulka aka mikrom. Ajťák, opravář, programátor samouk, elektrotechnik, koloběžkář a geocacher. Více na samostatné stránce O mně.

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14.11.2007 16:15

Super clanek, skoda ze neni v cestine. Pridal jsem si BT do T23 a vsechno funguje jak ma. Zaroven jsem pritom vmontoval i interni MiniPCI WiFinu. Pouzivam Toshiba BT stack a prehravam v High quality na BT sluchatkach.
Pridam odkaz na tvuj blog do

14.11.2007 16:15

Odkaz prilozen, pokud me chces kontaktovat, muzes pres…

21.8.2008 16:58

Hi there, great work, i want to the same with my T21. Could you please say how you calculated the resistor? When the optocouppler is in parallel with the blue LED very little current is there for the optocoupler led, rigth? So what resistor value did you use?

25.8.2008 18:12

Thanks 🙂 . Well, my optocouppler needs at least 50mA to switch, so i have to buy a new one. But a blue LED looks cool right now …

10.1.2010 10:46

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